Here's a link to the video of Rev. William Barber's talk : Reverend Dr William J Barber, II speaks on racial and economic justice at the 2016 SEIU Convention.
Here is a large picture of the 10 Commitments. We will focus on Critical Thinking in January, 2025.
Critical Thinking
As we are each bombarded with a constant stream of information, it can become challenging to decide what is accurate and true. Thinking critically allows us to make sense of all this information and reason our way to good judgments and effective solutions to the problems we face while rigorously avoiding pitfalls like rationalization, conformity, and stereotyping. This process forms the basis of the scientific method, which opens the door for new discoveries through hypothesizing and experimenting. Critical thinking is a skill that requires continued attention, practice, and reflection. Exercising our minds to build these skills enables us to challenge biases in ourselves and in others, paving the way for a fair, open-minded, and autonomous perspective that fosters a multicultural worldview.
Let's focus on finding the truth, being aware of pitfalls, and practicing attention and reflection. At our January 14th meeting we can share how we commited to Critical Thinking. "I will practice good judgement by asking questions and thinking for myself".
Critical Thinking
As we are each bombarded with a constant stream of information, it can become challenging to decide what is accurate and true. Thinking critically allows us to make sense of all this information and reason our way to good judgments and effective solutions to the problems we face while rigorously avoiding pitfalls like rationalization, conformity, and stereotyping. This process forms the basis of the scientific method, which opens the door for new discoveries through hypothesizing and experimenting. Critical thinking is a skill that requires continued attention, practice, and reflection. Exercising our minds to build these skills enables us to challenge biases in ourselves and in others, paving the way for a fair, open-minded, and autonomous perspective that fosters a multicultural worldview.
Let's focus on finding the truth, being aware of pitfalls, and practicing attention and reflection. At our January 14th meeting we can share how we commited to Critical Thinking. "I will practice good judgement by asking questions and thinking for myself".

Here is the recording link to our meeting in December on The 10 Commitments.
Be sure to use the passcode:Passcode: k&a86u22
Be sure to use the passcode:Passcode: k&a86u22

To view the recording, click on this link:
the passcode is: Gj8ZWK2
the passcode is: Gj8ZWK2

Here is the link to our recording of Huwaida's talk.
Passcode: H9b.sA=K
Passcode: H9b.sA=K

Here are Sherri Masson's links to follow up on her presentation.
To learn more about the new GVP laws-
Host a Silence the Violence event in June!
To Become a Community Educator-
Register here to join one of the training sessions on 4/18 or 5/16:
Questions? Email [email protected]
Call to Action!
Click this link and it will automatically send an email to your state rep and state senator. Ask them to restore funding for community violence intervention to the $10 million level.
To learn more about the new GVP laws-
Host a Silence the Violence event in June!
To Become a Community Educator-
Register here to join one of the training sessions on 4/18 or 5/16:
Questions? Email [email protected]
Call to Action!
Click this link and it will automatically send an email to your state rep and state senator. Ask them to restore funding for community violence intervention to the $10 million level.
Click on this link to view the recording of the Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 meeting:
Add this zoom passcode to access the recording Passcode: bN5&X#7s

CFP – Peace and Justice Resources
Dec 2023 Meeting
Moderated by Bob Frank
Colleen: Citizens for Peace Website – filled with resources – free podcasts, newsletters, quizzes
Tada G: “The Hope” by Andrew Harvey
A Guide to Sacred Activism
“The Evolutionaries” by Carter Phipps - The former executive editor of EnlightenNext magazine, asserts that evolution is not only a scientific but also a spiritual idea in a book whose message has the power to bring new meaning and purpose to life as we know it. - A network of mindfulness and spirituality podcasts
App – Waking Up by Sam Harris – A new operating system for your mind…
Morning Meditation by Marianne Williamson
Also: Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hanh and others…
Bob F: Greater Good – Podcast
Leading researchers and thinkers explore the roots of compassion, happiness, morality, and more.
House Calls – Podcast with Dr. Vivek Murthy, the 21st Surgeon General of the U.S.
Bob P: Three books and three magazines
“Dark Money” by Jane Mayer - The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
“Jesus and John Wayne” by Kristin Kobes Du Mez - How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
“Playing God” by Mary Jo McConahay – American Catholic Bishops and the Far Right
Mother Jones; The Progressive; Sojourners Magazine
Linda S: Marianne Williamson – Podcast and Website
“The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World”
Book by 14th Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams
Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
CFP – Peace and Justice Resources
Page 2
Carole K: Book: “The Day the Earth Came to Town” and Musical: Come from Away
Re: 911 and taking people to New Foundland
Other books: “Channel of Peace” - Stranded in Gander on 9/11 by Kevin Tuerff
“On Top of a Wave” - A moving, powerful picture book about the life and work of activist and artist, Ai Weiwei.
“The Little Book of Words That Matter” – Joanne Ruelos Diaz's book is an inclusive collection of 100 words that introduces young children to complex concepts
George M: The people around you - Folks, neighbors and others, all helping each other out through life. People inspiring others, from all walks of life, with acts of kindness.
Like Colleen and the Citizens for Peace!
Catherine: Book: “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
A powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
Book: “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen
Podcast: Dr. Joe Dispenza – How to master your life and change your reality.
Kim B: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons –
Linda L: Newsletter from The Daily Om – Inspiring words on spirituality, mindfulness, relationships and more…
Facebook: The 14th Dalai Lama – Messages of Compassion and Kindness
Dec 2023 Meeting
Moderated by Bob Frank
Colleen: Citizens for Peace Website – filled with resources – free podcasts, newsletters, quizzes
Tada G: “The Hope” by Andrew Harvey
A Guide to Sacred Activism
“The Evolutionaries” by Carter Phipps - The former executive editor of EnlightenNext magazine, asserts that evolution is not only a scientific but also a spiritual idea in a book whose message has the power to bring new meaning and purpose to life as we know it. - A network of mindfulness and spirituality podcasts
App – Waking Up by Sam Harris – A new operating system for your mind…
Morning Meditation by Marianne Williamson
Also: Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hanh and others…
Bob F: Greater Good – Podcast
Leading researchers and thinkers explore the roots of compassion, happiness, morality, and more.
House Calls – Podcast with Dr. Vivek Murthy, the 21st Surgeon General of the U.S.
Bob P: Three books and three magazines
“Dark Money” by Jane Mayer - The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
“Jesus and John Wayne” by Kristin Kobes Du Mez - How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
“Playing God” by Mary Jo McConahay – American Catholic Bishops and the Far Right
Mother Jones; The Progressive; Sojourners Magazine
Linda S: Marianne Williamson – Podcast and Website
“The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World”
Book by 14th Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams
Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
CFP – Peace and Justice Resources
Page 2
Carole K: Book: “The Day the Earth Came to Town” and Musical: Come from Away
Re: 911 and taking people to New Foundland
Other books: “Channel of Peace” - Stranded in Gander on 9/11 by Kevin Tuerff
“On Top of a Wave” - A moving, powerful picture book about the life and work of activist and artist, Ai Weiwei.
“The Little Book of Words That Matter” – Joanne Ruelos Diaz's book is an inclusive collection of 100 words that introduces young children to complex concepts
George M: The people around you - Folks, neighbors and others, all helping each other out through life. People inspiring others, from all walks of life, with acts of kindness.
Like Colleen and the Citizens for Peace!
Catherine: Book: “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
A powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
Book: “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen
Podcast: Dr. Joe Dispenza – How to master your life and change your reality.
Kim B: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons –
Linda L: Newsletter from The Daily Om – Inspiring words on spirituality, mindfulness, relationships and more…
Facebook: The 14th Dalai Lama – Messages of Compassion and Kindness
Here is the link to the recording of Robert Weir's presentation:
Click HERE to listen.
Passcode: 3+X^R#H$
Here are links regarding the Michigan Indian Industrial Boarding School in Mt. Pleasant.
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe --
Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways --
An excellent 24-page study guide published by the Ziibiwing Center --
An essay or report --
Linda Raye Cobe's book Red, White, and Blues --
Robert/Bob Weir

Click HERE to listen to JFK' s inspiring speech that is so relevant today!

Here are the links to the talks from our meeting on June 13th.
Robert Waldinger talk:
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness.
The 4 A’s with Depak Chopra
Positive Emotions Open Our Mind with Barabara Fredrickson
The 4 A’s of relationships
Deepak Chopra
Happy people see opportunities even in adversity and know how to make other people happy;
and they have meaning and purpose in life."
Robert Waldinger talk:
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness.
The 4 A’s with Depak Chopra
Positive Emotions Open Our Mind with Barabara Fredrickson
The 4 A’s of relationships
Deepak Chopra
- Attention – deep listening.
- Affection – deep caring & love.
- Appreciation – noticing gratitude.
- Acceptance – not trying to change their uniqueness.
Happy people see opportunities even in adversity and know how to make other people happy;
and they have meaning and purpose in life."
Dear C4P Members and Friends:
Here's the link to Dr. Jo Reger's presentation. It is "in the cloud" (whatever that means), so it will only be available for 30 days. It was a
very interesting presentation. If you want to see/hear it, don't delay too long.
Here's the link to Dr. Jo Reger's presentation. It is "in the cloud" (whatever that means), so it will only be available for 30 days. It was a
very interesting presentation. If you want to see/hear it, don't delay too long.
Here is the link to Dr. Peggi Tabor's talk "Love as a Force for Social Justice":
Here is the PDF of the book "The Art and Practice of Loving: Living a Heartfelt Yes" by Frank Andrews, PhD.
This is a guidebook for loving. it contains 143 practices that are designed to strengthen your ability to create loving experiences and remove blocks that keep you from loving. Dr. Tabor can't recommend this bok more highly. The great philosopher Lucretius said "Love is a product of habit:. This book will teach you how to develop this essential human habit.
This is a guidebook for loving. it contains 143 practices that are designed to strengthen your ability to create loving experiences and remove blocks that keep you from loving. Dr. Tabor can't recommend this bok more highly. The great philosopher Lucretius said "Love is a product of habit:. This book will teach you how to develop this essential human habit.

loving.pdf | |
File Size: | 1276 kb |
File Type: |

Thank you Bob Frank for the great idea of asking us to share our "Unsung Heroes"!
My hero was Azim Khamisa who I met in 2004 at the Department of Peace Conference.
He inspired me in many ways! You asked me to post the Azim Khamisa quote that made me aware of the power of my choices. Here is his quote: "We humans continuously confront defining moments in our lives. Sometimes these events are joyous; sometimes they are tragedies. At these moments, it's important to make the right choices, When we do, we are literally able to manifest a miracle and produce transformation in ourselves and others." You also asked that I post a TED talk that Azim gave. Here is the link to one of his talks:
My hero was Azim Khamisa who I met in 2004 at the Department of Peace Conference.
He inspired me in many ways! You asked me to post the Azim Khamisa quote that made me aware of the power of my choices. Here is his quote: "We humans continuously confront defining moments in our lives. Sometimes these events are joyous; sometimes they are tragedies. At these moments, it's important to make the right choices, When we do, we are literally able to manifest a miracle and produce transformation in ourselves and others." You also asked that I post a TED talk that Azim gave. Here is the link to one of his talks:
Here is the link to view the recording of Judy Wenzel's talk and our discussion.
Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE to listen.
Here's the recording of the talk by Dr. Khan. Click HERE to listen.
What fun we had at our book sale gathering!

You can watch Jack Lessenberry's talk and our discussion if you click this link:

View the videos we discussed at our April 12th meeting.
Why Violent Extremist Narratives Resonate
Christina Nemr
Nonviolence: Your Super Power
Why Violent Extremist Narratives Resonate
Christina Nemr
Nonviolence: Your Super Power
To view Dr. Montgomery's Power Point, click on Download File below.

dr._montgomery.pdf | |
File Size: | 3828 kb |
File Type: |
Here is the link to Paul Chappell's talk. Click HERE to listen.

To watch the film Twin Dangers, Click HERE
To buy Judy's wonderful, insightful book, "Light from the Cage",
you can mail a check for $20 to Judy Wenzel, 212 LynAnne Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Include your address, and Judy will mail your book to you.
Judy's email is [email protected]
you can mail a check for $20 to Judy Wenzel, 212 LynAnne Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Include your address, and Judy will mail your book to you.
Judy's email is [email protected]

Please click on the Download File link below to see Dr. Khan's slides from the presentation last night. Some of the slides will surprise you! Thank you again Saeed for another thought provoking talk!

citizens_for_peace_2021-_september_11_20_years_on-_lessons_learned__or_mistakes_repeated.pdf | |
File Size: | 4563 kb |
File Type: |
Here is a message from Rich Peacock, co-chair of Peace Action of Michigan.
His presentation he gave on August 6th is worth watching again. If you weren't
able to see it, please click on the Peace Action of MI link.
Hello Friends,
*The August 6 presentation with Julie Beutel and "Reckoning with Hiroshima, Nukes, and Climate" is now on our website in two forms - the recording and the PowerPoint. Note: the recording starts in the middle of Julie's second song. Sorry about that.
Go to
A word about Afghanistan reflecting my current view, which is not an official statement of Peace Action of Michigan
My heart hurts as I see the panic and fear of many Afghan people. The retreat was botched. I hope that the shocking scenes subside soon and violence is not the main story. This pain is exacerbated because this calamity is in the midst of poverty - Afghanistan still has the highest infant mortality rate in the world. May refugees and displaced people - especially the children - find safety.
Peace Action has advocated for the withdrawal of the troops from the U.S. and allies for a long time. The Taliban have heavenly willpower and a desire to kill infidels that western military strategies could not overcome...especially since the Kabul government was corrupt. May the UN, the U.S., and Afghanistan's neighbors prioritize humanitarian aid.
Let us mourn the loss of life - western troops, Afghans, and enemies.
Let us advocate for medical relief - including confronting COVID.
Let us do soul-searching focusing on the U.S. as an "exceptional nation" remembering we face the giants of racism, militarism, and poverty.
And let use redouble our efforts to Move the Money from wars and weapons to overcoming poverty at home and abroad. Furthermore, let us engage Congress in enacting the solutions now available to counter global heating.
Finally, the key to seeing my priorities succeed depends on Voting Rights. I would like to see President Biden address the nation in prime time to push for Voting Rights and curtailing the filibuster. I fear that if Biden doesn't curtail the filibuster, Senator Mitch McConnell will if he gets back on top.
*Watch for a series of Zooms coming from Lansing's Peace Education and Peace Action of Michigan in September. The tentative title is" Divest from War, Invest for Peace." National authorities will be featured.
May Shalom/Salaam/Shanti/Peace Prevail,
Rev. Rich Peacock, Co-Chair, Peace Action of Michigan
His presentation he gave on August 6th is worth watching again. If you weren't
able to see it, please click on the Peace Action of MI link.
Hello Friends,
*The August 6 presentation with Julie Beutel and "Reckoning with Hiroshima, Nukes, and Climate" is now on our website in two forms - the recording and the PowerPoint. Note: the recording starts in the middle of Julie's second song. Sorry about that.
Go to
A word about Afghanistan reflecting my current view, which is not an official statement of Peace Action of Michigan
My heart hurts as I see the panic and fear of many Afghan people. The retreat was botched. I hope that the shocking scenes subside soon and violence is not the main story. This pain is exacerbated because this calamity is in the midst of poverty - Afghanistan still has the highest infant mortality rate in the world. May refugees and displaced people - especially the children - find safety.
Peace Action has advocated for the withdrawal of the troops from the U.S. and allies for a long time. The Taliban have heavenly willpower and a desire to kill infidels that western military strategies could not overcome...especially since the Kabul government was corrupt. May the UN, the U.S., and Afghanistan's neighbors prioritize humanitarian aid.
Let us mourn the loss of life - western troops, Afghans, and enemies.
Let us advocate for medical relief - including confronting COVID.
Let us do soul-searching focusing on the U.S. as an "exceptional nation" remembering we face the giants of racism, militarism, and poverty.
And let use redouble our efforts to Move the Money from wars and weapons to overcoming poverty at home and abroad. Furthermore, let us engage Congress in enacting the solutions now available to counter global heating.
Finally, the key to seeing my priorities succeed depends on Voting Rights. I would like to see President Biden address the nation in prime time to push for Voting Rights and curtailing the filibuster. I fear that if Biden doesn't curtail the filibuster, Senator Mitch McConnell will if he gets back on top.
*Watch for a series of Zooms coming from Lansing's Peace Education and Peace Action of Michigan in September. The tentative title is" Divest from War, Invest for Peace." National authorities will be featured.
May Shalom/Salaam/Shanti/Peace Prevail,
Rev. Rich Peacock, Co-Chair, Peace Action of Michigan
The video Felice & Jack Cohen-Jappa put together with pictures of many of the inspiring U.S. actions that took place Jan. 22, 2021, as TPNW Entered Into Force and became international law. (5 minutes). A picture of Ferndale’s vigil is at 2:46.

Click on the links below to view the Citizens for Peace May presentation.
Kennedy could have been speaking about Gorman when he said: “When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.”
Dwight Garner, New York Times
Amanda Gorman Performs “Using Your Voice is a Political Choice”
Amanda Gorman Performs 'An American Lyric' at the Library of Congress
24 Hours of Reality: "Earthrise" by Amanda Gorman
Poet Amanda Gorman with dancers
Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman performs her Independence Day poem
Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman on the Trevor Noah show
Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate The Miracle of Morning
Kennedy could have been speaking about Gorman when he said: “When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.”
Dwight Garner, New York Times
Amanda Gorman Performs “Using Your Voice is a Political Choice”
Amanda Gorman Performs 'An American Lyric' at the Library of Congress
24 Hours of Reality: "Earthrise" by Amanda Gorman
Poet Amanda Gorman with dancers
Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman performs her Independence Day poem
Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman on the Trevor Noah show
Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate The Miracle of Morning
Here are two original poems presented at our May 11th meeting.
The Power of Poetry to Promote Peace!
By Bob Podzikowski
Springing from silence, from a well deep inside,
The poet intuits wisdom of her heart as guide.
Only by allowing words to appear -
Without violence – will the message come clear.
Nothing predetermined, in no sense coerced,
In patient reflection, truth will suddenly burst -
Cultivated like diplomacy, diligent give and take
The precarious future of generations at stake.
The world would do well to heed the verse,
Insightful poetry of peace - or suffer the curse,
Of ceaseless devastation, suffering and tears,
Millennia have proven it: driven by greed, hatred, fear.
Alas, the poet’s unique perception, penetrating insight,
Cannot alone quiet the guns, stop the fight.
It’s the poem’s effect on YOU - and all who attend,
That magically moves hearts, turning enemy to friend.
Resolve then: Let the poet’s vision inspire -
Imagine peace …
Meditate peace …
Radiate peace …
Breathe peace …
Be peace!
The Power of Poetry to Promote Peace!
By Bob Podzikowski
Springing from silence, from a well deep inside,
The poet intuits wisdom of her heart as guide.
Only by allowing words to appear -
Without violence – will the message come clear.
Nothing predetermined, in no sense coerced,
In patient reflection, truth will suddenly burst -
Cultivated like diplomacy, diligent give and take
The precarious future of generations at stake.
The world would do well to heed the verse,
Insightful poetry of peace - or suffer the curse,
Of ceaseless devastation, suffering and tears,
Millennia have proven it: driven by greed, hatred, fear.
Alas, the poet’s unique perception, penetrating insight,
Cannot alone quiet the guns, stop the fight.
It’s the poem’s effect on YOU - and all who attend,
That magically moves hearts, turning enemy to friend.
Resolve then: Let the poet’s vision inspire -
Imagine peace …
Meditate peace …
Radiate peace …
Breathe peace …
Be peace!
By George T. Mills
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
For a nickel or a dime you can buy the price of peace.
I used to teach in the inner city - second grade- where students came to school eating dry Cheerios from their coat pocket.
Nickels and dimes was all it took to spark a school breakfast program. No need any more for teachers to maintain a stash of peanut butter and crackers for classroom snacks.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
Two bits, four bits, even six bits will do - to shelter
a homeless person in a warming center and provide a meal or two.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
See what a buck will do. Get friends and neighbors
behind you with this one - and
give those battered wives and children a safe, warm haven.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
Let's raise the ante just a bit - say five billion dollars-
for the price of a sleek new killing machine. The cost of Katrina would be covered in a
heartbeat by the cost of just one or two.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
We could go on and on. But you get the idea.
No matter what the cost the price of peace
-it's worth it.
We are living in the alternative.
By George T. Mills
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
For a nickel or a dime you can buy the price of peace.
I used to teach in the inner city - second grade- where students came to school eating dry Cheerios from their coat pocket.
Nickels and dimes was all it took to spark a school breakfast program. No need any more for teachers to maintain a stash of peanut butter and crackers for classroom snacks.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
Two bits, four bits, even six bits will do - to shelter
a homeless person in a warming center and provide a meal or two.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
See what a buck will do. Get friends and neighbors
behind you with this one - and
give those battered wives and children a safe, warm haven.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
Let's raise the ante just a bit - say five billion dollars-
for the price of a sleek new killing machine. The cost of Katrina would be covered in a
heartbeat by the cost of just one or two.
Peace for Sale! Peace for Sale!
We could go on and on. But you get the idea.
No matter what the cost the price of peace
-it's worth it.
We are living in the alternative.
Here are some of the poems and quotes shared by the Citizens for Peace members.
Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes
Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain.
Seeking a home where he himself is free.
(America never was America to me.)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.
Sheryl Hatch
Thich Nhat Hanh quote:
"In daily life, there is so much to do and so little time.
You may feel pressured to run all the time.
Just stop!
Touch the ground of the present moment deeply,
and you will touch real peace and joy."
Marian Gonsior
Leonard Cohen quote:
"There's a crack in everything -
That's how the light gets in".
Bob Frank
Reflection by
Adam Lindsey Gordan
Life is mostly froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone
Kindness in another's trouble
Courage in your own
From Reflections for Nonviolent Community:
a book of reading by Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
(for April 10, 2021)
"Kim Bergier
Quote from Sri Chinmoy
"Peace we achieve
When we do not expect anything
From the world,
But only give, give, and give
What we have and what we are."
Chuck Kesner
Decide to be a global citizen
A good inhabitant of planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
And you will return to Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth, become conscious
of herself.
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice,
her mind and her heart
Save your Mother Earth
from her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than the globe
and their groups
greater than humanity
Unite, global citizens,
to save and heal planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe
Written by Robert Muller
Submitted by
Linda Lieder
Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes
Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain.
Seeking a home where he himself is free.
(America never was America to me.)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.
Sheryl Hatch
Thich Nhat Hanh quote:
"In daily life, there is so much to do and so little time.
You may feel pressured to run all the time.
Just stop!
Touch the ground of the present moment deeply,
and you will touch real peace and joy."
Marian Gonsior
Leonard Cohen quote:
"There's a crack in everything -
That's how the light gets in".
Bob Frank
Reflection by
Adam Lindsey Gordan
Life is mostly froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone
Kindness in another's trouble
Courage in your own
From Reflections for Nonviolent Community:
a book of reading by Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
(for April 10, 2021)
"Kim Bergier
Quote from Sri Chinmoy
"Peace we achieve
When we do not expect anything
From the world,
But only give, give, and give
What we have and what we are."
Chuck Kesner
Decide to be a global citizen
A good inhabitant of planet Earth
A member of the great human family
Pray, think, act, feel and love globally
And you will aggrandize yourself
to the outer limits of being
Know this planet
Love this planet
Care for this planet
For you come from Mother Earth
And you will return to Mother Earth
You are made of her elements
You are the Earth, become conscious
of herself.
You are her eyes, her ears, her voice,
her mind and her heart
Save your Mother Earth
from her matricidal children
who destroy her
who divide her
who spike her with nuclear arms
who hold their territories to be
greater than the globe
and their groups
greater than humanity
Unite, global citizens,
to save and heal planet Earth
And to make our Mother bloom again
As the most beautiful planet
in the universe
Written by Robert Muller
Submitted by
Linda Lieder
Here is a picture of Sheryl Hatch's notebook! Thank you Sheryl, for such a beautiful quote from an amazing Eleanor Roosevelt!
2021 Pax Christi MI Annual Purple Ribbon for Peace Award presented to Colleen Mills
"Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people" MLK (printed on the award)
"Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people" MLK (printed on the award)
THANK YOU PAX CHRISTI! This Purple Ribbon for Peace Award is a work of art that I will treasure and hand down to my granddaughter Alexa!
The flowers are so beautiful! I am honored to share this recognition with the Citizens for Peace!!
The flowers are so beautiful! I am honored to share this recognition with the Citizens for Peace!!
HERE is the transcript of the video “The War Mentality”.
Please click HERE to watch the video of the Citizens for Peace January 2021 meeting. The meeting participants discussed the video “ Third Harmony: Non-violence and the New Story of Human Nature”.
Dr. Peggi J. Tabor PhD. Presentation See her excellent presentation here.
Chuck Kesner Presentation -Chuck, CFP member, gave an excellent presentation and slide show at the CFP November 10, 2020 Zoom Meeting. Here is the slide show
Rosemary Doyle Tribute Rosemary is a founding member of the CFP and Education Director. To honor her commitment to peace and justice, Bob Podzikowski, CFP Board Member, wrote a very thoughtful poem: Here is the poem,
Colleen Mills Tribute Colleen is a founding member of the CFP and President for 18 years! s To honor her leadership and commitment to peace and justice, Bob Podzikowski, CFP Board Member, wrote a very thoughtful poem. Here is the poem
Chuck Kesner Presentation -Chuck, CFP member, gave an excellent presentation and slide show at the CFP November 10, 2020 Zoom Meeting. Here is the slide show
Rosemary Doyle Tribute Rosemary is a founding member of the CFP and Education Director. To honor her commitment to peace and justice, Bob Podzikowski, CFP Board Member, wrote a very thoughtful poem: Here is the poem,
Colleen Mills Tribute Colleen is a founding member of the CFP and President for 18 years! s To honor her leadership and commitment to peace and justice, Bob Podzikowski, CFP Board Member, wrote a very thoughtful poem. Here is the poem
To hear the recording on Thomas Merton, click HERE.

Here is the link to our July 14th meeting. Please share it with your friends. Thank you Kim & Tom for such a wonderful presentation!

Above is the Power Point Presentation on "Nonviolence: The Way to Peace!"
Take time to click on this link to view Erica Chenoweth's TED Talk on her research of the success of nonviolent movements.
Also click on the link of John Green's talk on the Crash History of Nonviolent Movements.
Finally, click on the link to Train Your Brain to Be Kind.

Citizens for Peace present
Understanding Islam
with Dr. Saeed Khan
September 12, 2017 7 PM
Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Dr. Saeed Khan is a lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern and Asian Studies at Wayne State University. He is also a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. Dr. Khan will share his knowledge of Islam: a 14 centuries old religion and civilization for 1.7 billion people. Understanding Islam helps unpack the beliefs, history and complexities of this global phenomenon.
Thank you Dr. Khan for sharing your powerpoint!

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Citizens for Peace present
Manufacturing Bigotry!
We don’t need bigotry in the law!
September 13, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia
(286605 Mile)
Dr. Saeed Khan
Dr. Saeed Khan is a lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern and Asian Studies at Wayne State University. He is also a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. He co-authored the (ISPU) REPORT “Manufacturing Bigotry”. Dr. Khan will share the findings of his research including the anti-sharia/ anti-foreign laws, strict voter ID laws, and right to work laws. He will discuss how these laws negatively and disproportionately impact minorities. he will connect the Muslim animus to other forms of bigotry, and suggest bi-partisan political engagement and coalition building around common values, common interests and common solutions.
Citizens for Peace present
Water is Life!
Why Safe, Affordable Water is a Human Right!
With People’s Water Board members
Lila Cabbil & Kim Redigan
August 9, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Thousands of families in Detroit are living without water as a result of water shutoffs, while people in Flint continue to suffer the effects of having been exposed to toxic water. This presentation will focus on the human, health, and social cost of unsafe and unaffordable water and raise questions about the political and economic policies behind the crises in Detroit, Flint, highland park and beyond. some of the questions that will be explored include: Is water a commons or a commodity? What is the difference between the existing water assistance plans and the Water Affordability Plan that was passed by the Detroit City Council but never implemented? Why is bottled water not the solution?
Lila Cabbil is a founding member of the People’s Water Board and represents the Raymond and Rosa Parks Institute, and Kim Redigan represents the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights.
Manufacturing Bigotry!
We don’t need bigotry in the law!
September 13, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia
(286605 Mile)
Dr. Saeed Khan
Dr. Saeed Khan is a lecturer in the Department of Near Eastern and Asian Studies at Wayne State University. He is also a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. He co-authored the (ISPU) REPORT “Manufacturing Bigotry”. Dr. Khan will share the findings of his research including the anti-sharia/ anti-foreign laws, strict voter ID laws, and right to work laws. He will discuss how these laws negatively and disproportionately impact minorities. he will connect the Muslim animus to other forms of bigotry, and suggest bi-partisan political engagement and coalition building around common values, common interests and common solutions.
Citizens for Peace present
Water is Life!
Why Safe, Affordable Water is a Human Right!
With People’s Water Board members
Lila Cabbil & Kim Redigan
August 9, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Thousands of families in Detroit are living without water as a result of water shutoffs, while people in Flint continue to suffer the effects of having been exposed to toxic water. This presentation will focus on the human, health, and social cost of unsafe and unaffordable water and raise questions about the political and economic policies behind the crises in Detroit, Flint, highland park and beyond. some of the questions that will be explored include: Is water a commons or a commodity? What is the difference between the existing water assistance plans and the Water Affordability Plan that was passed by the Detroit City Council but never implemented? Why is bottled water not the solution?
Lila Cabbil is a founding member of the People’s Water Board and represents the Raymond and Rosa Parks Institute, and Kim Redigan represents the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights.

What an inspiring conference "Building a Peace Economy" was! Thank you to Terry Link and the Peace Education Center for putting this together! To view the entire conference, click HERE!

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Thank you to Bryan Watson for his presentation on Framing Our Values for Peace!
Click on the Download File below to view his PowerPoint.
Click on the Download File below to view his PowerPoint.

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Thank you to Carrie Landrum for a wonderful presentation! Click on Download File below to see her PowerPoint.

To view Part 1 of Ms. Davies' presentation click HERE
To view Part 2 of Ms. Davies' presentation click HERE
To view Part 2 of Ms. Davies' presentation click HERE

Citizens for Peace Present the Film
“Dream On”
Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 7:00 pm
Unity of Livonia — 28660 Five Mile Road
DREAM ON investigates the perilous state of the American Dream after decades of rising income inequality and declining economic mobility. In an epic road trip, political comedian John Fugelsang retraces the journey of Alexis de Tocqueville, whose study of our young country in 1831 came to define America as a place where anyone, of any background, could climb the ladder of economic opportunity.
Following in the Frenchman’s footsteps, Fugelsang asks whether the optimistic spirit of the American Dream that Tocqueville popularized is alive and well in the twenty-first century, or whether George Carlin was right when he famously quipped, “It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” The film’s finale is in Detroit!
“Dream On”
Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 7:00 pm
Unity of Livonia — 28660 Five Mile Road
DREAM ON investigates the perilous state of the American Dream after decades of rising income inequality and declining economic mobility. In an epic road trip, political comedian John Fugelsang retraces the journey of Alexis de Tocqueville, whose study of our young country in 1831 came to define America as a place where anyone, of any background, could climb the ladder of economic opportunity.
Following in the Frenchman’s footsteps, Fugelsang asks whether the optimistic spirit of the American Dream that Tocqueville popularized is alive and well in the twenty-first century, or whether George Carlin was right when he famously quipped, “It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” The film’s finale is in Detroit!
"Dream On" and "Disturbing the Peace" are just two of the films available for other groups or individuals to borrow from our audio/visual library!

Citizens for Peace Present the Film
“Disturbing the Peace”
Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 7:00 pm
Unity of Livonia — 28660 Five Mile Road
DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palestinian fighters, many of whom served years in prison - who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say “enough." The film reveals their transformational journeys from soldiers committed to armed battle to nonviolent peace activists, leading to the creation of Combatants for Peace. While based in the Middle East, DISTURBING THE PEACE evokes universal themes relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world.
“Let us live in peace and dignity, two peoples on this land.” - Jamel (Former Palestinian Fighter)
“It is indispensable for a fighting system to deny the humanity of the other side; otherwise how can you possibly kill somebody? - Avner (Former Israeli Defense Soldier)
“Disturbing the Peace”
Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 7:00 pm
Unity of Livonia — 28660 Five Mile Road
DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palestinian fighters, many of whom served years in prison - who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say “enough." The film reveals their transformational journeys from soldiers committed to armed battle to nonviolent peace activists, leading to the creation of Combatants for Peace. While based in the Middle East, DISTURBING THE PEACE evokes universal themes relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world.
“Let us live in peace and dignity, two peoples on this land.” - Jamel (Former Palestinian Fighter)
“It is indispensable for a fighting system to deny the humanity of the other side; otherwise how can you possibly kill somebody? - Avner (Former Israeli Defense Soldier)

A New Republic of the Heart (An Ethos for Revolutionaries) by Terry Patten
Evolutionaries by Carter Phipps
The Universe Story by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme
Hatching the Cosmic Egg by Michael J. Dorer (Children's book)
Change the Story, Change the Future by David Korten
"The Awakening Universe," a 15 minute film by Neal Rogin
The Presence of the Infinite by Steve McIntosh
Evolution's Purpose by Steve McIntosh
Integral Consciousness by Steve McIntosh
The church of Evolutionary Love on you tube
Evolutionary Enlightenment by Andrew Cohen
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality by Ken Wilber
A New Republic of the Heart (An Ethos for Revolutionaries) by Terry Patten
Evolutionaries by Carter Phipps
The Universe Story by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme
Hatching the Cosmic Egg by Michael J. Dorer (Children's book)
Change the Story, Change the Future by David Korten
"The Awakening Universe," a 15 minute film by Neal Rogin
The Presence of the Infinite by Steve McIntosh
Evolution's Purpose by Steve McIntosh
Integral Consciousness by Steve McIntosh
The church of Evolutionary Love on you tube
Evolutionary Enlightenment by Andrew Cohen
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality by Ken Wilber

Since 2006 we have researched and developed a Nonviolence and Peacebuilding Bibliography of
over 1100 titles of materials for youth and adults.
These materials are available to Michigan residents through their local Library Network and MELCAT.
![]() Here are links to some of John Denver's special peace songs.
It’s About Time Let Us Begin/ What Are We Making Weapons For? Peace Poem/ Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream |
Click HERE to read the article in the Harvard magazine by Craig Lambart entitled Nuclear Weapons Or Democracy.

December 12th at Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile)
The fun veggie potluck highlights our holiday meeting. Everyone can bring their favorite, healthy, vegetarian dish to share. Donations are always appreciated!
We will have a silent auction fundraiser to add to the festivities. Be sure to bring your checkbook so you can bid on a variety of items to give as gifts for friends, family, or yourself!!
The feast begins at 6:30 pm! Please arrive by 6 o’clock if you
have items for the auction or food for the veggie feast!
All are welcome!
For more information call 734-425-0079.
December 12th at Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile)
The fun veggie potluck highlights our holiday meeting. Everyone can bring their favorite, healthy, vegetarian dish to share. Donations are always appreciated!
We will have a silent auction fundraiser to add to the festivities. Be sure to bring your checkbook so you can bid on a variety of items to give as gifts for friends, family, or yourself!!
The feast begins at 6:30 pm! Please arrive by 6 o’clock if you
have items for the auction or food for the veggie feast!
All are welcome!
For more information call 734-425-0079.
Here are some of our past events that we recorded.

Citizens for Peace present
The Refugee Crisis:
We Are All Related
June 14, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Patrick McLean, board member of the Syrian American Rescue Network (SARN), will share information about the people coming to our state to escape the war in Syria, and what is being done to help them. SARN’s mission is to provide humanitarian and economic support to refugees as they reach self-sufficiency in Michigan.
The Refugee Crisis:
We Are All Related
June 14, 2016 7 PM
Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Patrick McLean, board member of the Syrian American Rescue Network (SARN), will share information about the people coming to our state to escape the war in Syria, and what is being done to help them. SARN’s mission is to provide humanitarian and economic support to refugees as they reach self-sufficiency in Michigan.
Why We Still Need a Department of Peace!
October 11, 2016 7 pm.
Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile)
Click HERE to listen to the program.
The Department of Peacebuilding legislation was just re-introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee. It is House Bill 1111.!
Colleen Mills, President of the Citizens for Peace, will share the history of the movement calling for a Department of Peace, and discuss the importance of having a place in our government that would focus the resources, talent, and structures on decreasing violence in our country and our world. The vision of a more peaceful world needs a shift in thinking that moves from violence to nonviolence as a successful way to handle conflict. The research on nonviolence will be presented. Mrs. Mills will also report on the important work the Peace Alliance has been doing to humanize the justice system, empower community peace-building, and foster peace internationally, personally , and in our schools.
October 11, 2016 7 pm.
Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile)
Click HERE to listen to the program.
The Department of Peacebuilding legislation was just re-introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee. It is House Bill 1111.!
Colleen Mills, President of the Citizens for Peace, will share the history of the movement calling for a Department of Peace, and discuss the importance of having a place in our government that would focus the resources, talent, and structures on decreasing violence in our country and our world. The vision of a more peaceful world needs a shift in thinking that moves from violence to nonviolence as a successful way to handle conflict. The research on nonviolence will be presented. Mrs. Mills will also report on the important work the Peace Alliance has been doing to humanize the justice system, empower community peace-building, and foster peace internationally, personally , and in our schools.

ISIS in the Middle East:
A Century in the Making
Dr. Saeed Khan
September 8, 2015 7 – 9 PM
Unity of Livonia – 28660 Five Mile Rd.
A year after ISIS appeared in Iraq and Syria, the movement has evolved into a transnational presence with religious, political, military and cultural dimensions. What is ISIS and what are its origins, its ideologies and its objectives?
Saeed Khan is Lecturer of Islamic and Middle East History, Politics & Culture at Wayne State University, Contributor to NPR and WDET's "Detroit Today," and Panelist on CBC's "The Turning Point.
This presentation explores and separates the reality from the fiction about this complex component in the already complicated landscape of the Middle East.
A Century in the Making
Dr. Saeed Khan
September 8, 2015 7 – 9 PM
Unity of Livonia – 28660 Five Mile Rd.
A year after ISIS appeared in Iraq and Syria, the movement has evolved into a transnational presence with religious, political, military and cultural dimensions. What is ISIS and what are its origins, its ideologies and its objectives?
Saeed Khan is Lecturer of Islamic and Middle East History, Politics & Culture at Wayne State University, Contributor to NPR and WDET's "Detroit Today," and Panelist on CBC's "The Turning Point.
This presentation explores and separates the reality from the fiction about this complex component in the already complicated landscape of the Middle East.

Citizens for Peace present
April 12, 2016 7 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Here is the link to Fran Shor's talk
It has been more than five decades since President Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the "unwarranted influence of the military- industrial complex.”
Francis Shor is Professor Emeritus of History at Wayne State University. He is the author of three books, the latest being Dying Empire: U. S. Imperialism and Global Resistance (Routledge 2010). Other publications, covering a broad range of topics in 20th-century U. S. and global history, have appeared in scholarly journals and popular online journals. In addition to his academic work, he has been a long-time peace and justice activist, serving on the boards of Peace Action and Michigan Coalition for Human Rights.
April 12, 2016 7 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
Here is the link to Fran Shor's talk
It has been more than five decades since President Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the "unwarranted influence of the military- industrial complex.”
Francis Shor is Professor Emeritus of History at Wayne State University. He is the author of three books, the latest being Dying Empire: U. S. Imperialism and Global Resistance (Routledge 2010). Other publications, covering a broad range of topics in 20th-century U. S. and global history, have appeared in scholarly journals and popular online journals. In addition to his academic work, he has been a long-time peace and justice activist, serving on the boards of Peace Action and Michigan Coalition for Human Rights.
Citizens for Peace present
Five Women Five Journeys
Women of WISDOM
Here's the link to view the program:
January 12, 2016 7 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
With 1. Rabbi Dorit Edut (Jewish)
2. Dolores Lyons (Budhhist)
3. Raja Chehl (Sikh)
4. Anjali Vale (Hindu)
5. Parwin Anwar (Muslim)
Moderator Maryann Schlie (Christian - Unity)
For more information call 734-425-0079 or go to
Five Women Five Journeys
Women of WISDOM
Here's the link to view the program:
January 12, 2016 7 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile)
With 1. Rabbi Dorit Edut (Jewish)
2. Dolores Lyons (Budhhist)
3. Raja Chehl (Sikh)
4. Anjali Vale (Hindu)
5. Parwin Anwar (Muslim)
Moderator Maryann Schlie (Christian - Unity)
For more information call 734-425-0079 or go to
WISDOM’s challenge is to bring together people from different faith traditions, ethnicities, races, and cultures in an atmosphere of safety and respect to engage in educational and community service projects. Let’s change our world through the positive power of building relationships!
The WISDOM women will answer the questions:
How has your childhood impacted where you are today with your faith tradition?
What do you think is the most misunderstood part of your religion?
Have you experienced stereotyping and if so, how have you dealt with it?
WISDOM’s Mission is:
To Provide concrete modeling of women from different faith traditions working together in harmony for the common good.
To Empower women to take a more active role in furthering social justice and world peace.
To Dispel myths, stereotypes, prejudices and fear about faith traditions different from our own.
To Nurture the growth of empathy and spiritual energy that result from our projects and interfaith dialogue.
All are welcome to join the Citizens for Peace and hear this special presentation to start the New Year off learning from the WISDOM women how to live in peace, harmony, and empathy.
The WISDOM women will answer the questions:
How has your childhood impacted where you are today with your faith tradition?
What do you think is the most misunderstood part of your religion?
Have you experienced stereotyping and if so, how have you dealt with it?
WISDOM’s Mission is:
To Provide concrete modeling of women from different faith traditions working together in harmony for the common good.
To Empower women to take a more active role in furthering social justice and world peace.
To Dispel myths, stereotypes, prejudices and fear about faith traditions different from our own.
To Nurture the growth of empathy and spiritual energy that result from our projects and interfaith dialogue.
All are welcome to join the Citizens for Peace and hear this special presentation to start the New Year off learning from the WISDOM women how to live in peace, harmony, and empathy.

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MARCH 14, 2017 7:00 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile) Join the Citizens for Peace as we welcome Deborah Drennan, Executive Director, Freedom House Detroit to share her experiences and insights on the residents of Freedom House Detroit, people who are survivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. “Our mission is to uphold a fundamental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, providing safety for those “yearning to breathe free.” Guided by our belief that all persons deserve to live free from oppression and to be treated with justice, compassion, and dignity, we offer a continuum of care and services to our residents as well as to other refugees in need. We advocate for systemic change that more fully recognizes the rights of asylum seekers.” In 2012 Freedom House became a formal partner in the Northern Tier Anti-Trafficking Consortium servicing victims of human trafficking Please visit the website… ALL ARE WELCOME! |
"Civil Rights, Human Rights - The March Continues" Robert Weir shared his experience on the Living Legacy Pilgrimage at the June 13th Citizens for Peace meeting. It was an emotional journey into the history of slavery. Read his article from Encore magazine describing his trip: _____________________________________________________ |
![]() "How to De-Stress and Face any Future Challenges with Ease"
February 14, 2017 7:00 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile) Join the Citizens for Peace as we welcome Judy Lipson to share her tools and practices on how to remain calm, focused and relaxed despite the ups and downs we are facing and will face in 2017. Judy is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 30 years of experience. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” - Martin L.King, Jr. Attend this meeting as a gift of love to yourself! ALL ARE WELCOME! |
![]() Citizens for Peace present
the Michigan premiere of the film “Gandhi’s Gift” with Co-producer Cynthia Lukas 2 pm Saturday, April 8, 2017 Livonia Civic Center Library 32777 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, Mi 48154 Producer-Writer Cynthia Lukas will show the Michigan Premiere of the new film Gandhi’s Gift. She will answer questions, and speak about the inspiring four-year film making journey she and Co-Producer Kell Kearns have traveled in creating Gandhi’s Gift. She will highlight what it was like walking in the Mahatma’s footsteps in India, South Africa and London, and at all the important sites in Gandhi's life. There will be refreshments and browsing tables of peace organizations and children’s art work from around the world starting at 1 pm. Thanks to our cosponsors: Alliance to Halt Fermi 3, Pax Christi MI, Peace Action MI, IHM Sisters Peace Justice and Sustainability, League of Women Voters Northwest Wayne County, Michigan Coalition for Human Rights, Wayne State University Center for Peace & Conflict Studies, Veterans for Peace Chapter 74, MI Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF) Detroit Branch. Watch a Trailer: ________________________________________________ The Citizens for Peace Present “The Prerequisites of Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding” April 11, 2017 7:00 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile) Dr. Fred Pearson, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Peace and Conflict studies at Wayne State University will talk about the difference between peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Dr. Pearson has written 6 books on arms and warfare and is a recognized authority in the fields of international conflict resolution. As director of the WSU Peace Center, Dr. Pearson develops programs on war and peace, social justice, multicultural awareness and globalization. This informative presentation will inspire listeners to be active peace citizens! |
Citizens for Peace present a Social Media Workshop for Peacemakers Saturday, August 19, 2017 10 a.m. – noon Livonia Civic Center Library 32777 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154 Sam Inglot, Deputy Communications Director of Progress Michigan, will cover the basics and best practices of social media in this workshop for peacemakers. He will answer questions regarding the use of social media to reach our audiences and to push for change. The training also covers how to use Facebook ads and promotion to boost our presence online. Beginners and experienced social media users will find the training valuable to learn something new, brush up on skills, and ask questions. He will present a conceptual overview of how to get the most out of our networks. Technology is growing at an ever-rapid pace, and the best thing we can do is to keep up with this tool for change! |
![]() Citizens for Peace present
A Robert Greenwald FILM Making a Killing: GUNS, GREED AND THE NRA June 14, 2016 7 PM Unity of Livonia (28660 5 Mile) Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA tells the stories of how guns – and the billions made off of them – affect the lives of everyday Americans. It features personal stories of people across the country who have been affected by gun violence, including survivors and victims’ families. The film exposes how powerful gun companies and the NRA are resisting responsible legislation for the sake of profit – and thereby putting people in danger. The film looks into gun tragedies that include unintentional shootings, domestic violence, suicides, mass shootings and trafficking, - and what we can do to put an end to this profit-driven crisis. We have joined the MI Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence. Like on facebook: Michigan Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence. March 20 2 pm GATE: GREATER AWARENESS THROUGH EDUCATION: How I made a difference...Celebrating Change Makers program at the Farmington Hills Library (32737 W 12 MILE ROAD). The panel includes Abdul Aziz Khandker, empowers families through affordable housing; Colleen Mills, President, Citizens for Peace (an organization focused on teaching practices of non-violence in our world); Jay Kommaredi, advocate against Human Trafficking; Kevin ‘Mr Peace’ Szawala, Inspirational Speaker, Rapper, and Youth Minister; Dr Shakil A. Khan, MD. President Multicultural Council of America (a coalition of more than 150 different ethnocultural groups); State Representative (D-Detroit), Stephanie Chang, practitioner of community based leadership to bring about positive change. Call Nina Asmi 248-396-6372. Click HERE to view the program.
![]() THE IMPORTANCE OF LITERACY IN DETROIT With ROGER FRANK Tuesday, May 10th at 7 pm. Unity of Livonia (48660 Five Mile) Roger Frank will shared his experiences as an English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor that led him to accept his current role as director of the new All Saints Literacy Center in southwest Detroit. Click HERE to view his presentation. To volunteer, call 313-297-1399. All Saints Literacy Center is located at 3553 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48216 ![]() Candle Lighters: people who illuminate the world
November 10, 2015 7 PM Unity of Livonia With Author, Traveler and Speaker Robert Weir What do you see when you look at images of underprivileged people, especially children? Do you see their physical and emotional incapacity? Or do you see beauty in their eyes? These are questions that author, speaker, and traveler Robert Weir will pose in his enlightening presentation, “Candle Lighters: people who illuminate the world.” Set primarily in Kolkata, India, “Candle Lighters” features people (Indians and Westerners) who take action in the face of adversity, look beyond bodily imperfections, and do a little or a lot to light a flame of hope for a life beyond begging, forced prostitution, and menial labor. All are welcome to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Citizens for Peace with this special presentation that will inspire and uplift the audience! For more information call 734-425-0079. “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.” – Peter Benenson, founder of Amnesty International __________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() Citizens for Peace present
Father Tom Lumpkin Detroit’s Day House & Manna Community Meal Soup Kitchen February 9, 2016 7 PM Click HERE to view Father Tom's talk. Father Tom Lumpkin has been a Catholic priest since 1964. He served at three area parishes until 1978, and was then appointed to the Catholic Worker Community in Detroit, whose focus is to protest injustice, war, racism and violence of all forms. For the last 37 years, Father Tom has been serving at Day House, a shelter for abused women and their children, and the Manna Community Meal Soup Kitchen, providing free, hot meals to the homeless. As we begin the Season of Nonviolence and our annual Random Acts of Kindness Campaign, we are honored to hear the story of Father Tom, who has spent his life showing kindness and giving comfort and assistance to those who need it most in our community. _______________________________________________________ |

Guns in America
With Gun Violence Prevention Advocate
Linda K. Brundage, Ed.D.
for Linda's talk.
Linda was a very active member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, first as founder and chapter leader of Mid-Michigan Moms Demand Action, and then as the Michigan Chapter Lead. She has gone to Washington to lobby for gun reform and has been the keynote at several events. Linda believes fervently that together we can make a difference in our communities for gun violence prevention.
7 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, 2014
Unity of Livonia
28660 Five Mile Rd. (E. of Middlebelt)
Livonia, Michigan 48154
With Gun Violence Prevention Advocate
Linda K. Brundage, Ed.D.
for Linda's talk.
Linda was a very active member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, first as founder and chapter leader of Mid-Michigan Moms Demand Action, and then as the Michigan Chapter Lead. She has gone to Washington to lobby for gun reform and has been the keynote at several events. Linda believes fervently that together we can make a difference in our communities for gun violence prevention.
7 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, 2014
Unity of Livonia
28660 Five Mile Rd. (E. of Middlebelt)
Livonia, Michigan 48154
![]() Celebrate International Women’s Day at the Citizens for Peace Meeting
Celebrate International Women’s Day with local peace activists, Kim Bergier and Laura Dewey, as they share their journey as peacemakers at the 7 p.m. March 10th Citizens for Peace meeting at Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile Rd.) Kim Bergier attended the Woodstock residential school in India as a child. She recently returned for a class reunion. She will share her colorful pictures of her experiences in India. Kim is the co-founder of the Michigan Stop the Nuclear Bombs Campaign. She has dedicated her life to creating a more peaceful world. Laura Dewey is the leader of the Detroit branch of the Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF). They are the oldest women’s peace group and will be celebrating their 100th anniversary this year. Laura will share the important influence WILPF has had in their 100 year history. The program is free and open to the public. Here is the YouTube link to Laura Dewey's talk on "Women & Peace" for you to put on the website: And here is Kim Bergier's talk link: __________________________________________________ |
![]() Gary Weinstein shares about
“The Power of Forgiveness” Citizens for Peace Meeting 7 PM. Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI) Gary Weinstein made national headlines when he forgave the man who killed his wife and 2 sons in a terrible drunk driving accident. Mr. Weinstein will talk about absolute forgiveness, his journey from agony and pain to wanting to live again, & why forgiving people is such an important virtue to have. His words will touch your heart and make you re-think how you perceive ‘forgiveness’ in your life. |
CITIZENS FOR PEACE May Meeting World Beyond War With Video of Activist and Author David Swanson David Swanson is the director of World Beyond War, a global organization working to end all war. He hosts the Talk Nation Radio, a weekly program advancing the causes of disarmament and diplomacy. He is currently nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize! The video is of his presentation at the April 11th. Pax Christi Conference. 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Unity of Livonia ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
![]() ‘Mr. Peace’ & Friends!
“Kickoff of the Summer for Youth” Here is the YouTube link from the 'Mr. Peace' & Friends Summer For Youth Series Kickoff Concert for you to put on the website: Citizens for Peace Meeting 7 PM. Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48150) Mr. Peace is a national youth speaker, youth minister, spoken word poet, hip-hop artist & peace activist. Come ready to be inspired as he along with other musicians & youth share a positive message thru rap & poetry. Enjoy the music & get motivated to “Be the Change”! Betty Appleby will also share a story of the Peace Quilt she made with the help of many youth.
![]() Citizens for Peace Annual Holiday Vegetarian Potluck Tuesday, December 9th at 6:30 pm. Unity of Livonia - 28660 Five Mile Rd. Join us as we start the holiday season by celebrating with a vegetarian meal. Bring a healthy dish to share. We will also be drawing the winners of our annual Education Fund raffle. Get in the spirit of giving at our last meeting of 2014. What a great year of peace it was!! ![]() Citizens for Peace 11th Anniversary
Celebration of Peace 11/11/14 Katherine Philipson, Network Building Associate for FCNL, (Friends Committee on National Legislation) will guide us in a discussion on the power of networking. Katherine believes that committed and coordinated activists have the potential to transform U.S. policies to uphold the dignity and inherent worth of all. Katherine Philipson's Talk On "The Power Of Networking": |